Author Archives: cnsul

Grant and walkie talkies

So. . . Grant . . . We meet again. It’s . . . been . . . too long. For those of you not following so far don’t worry about it. Even in your own cartoon Grant you can’t beat a certain someone to the walkie talkie response, but maybe that’s the punchline. Wait. Yep, that’s the punchline.

Cappuccino Machine

So to reiterate, the cappuccino machine is evil, and must be destroyed. Originally, this was going to star Tim, Red Leader, Ben, and whoever makes these AMAZING cartoons. Sadly, these are down times, and we can’t afford to make Office Space references. So, Tim “The Guns” Schwab will have to do.

Paige + idiot people

Ok, so, whenever we close we place the barrier in front of the left door after it’s locked so people don’t go through it. Sometimes a trashcan is also put there. People ALWAYS ask whether they can come through. This is Paige’s simulated reaction. She is obviously irritated, just uh, don’t be irritated with me, kay?

New People

So, it’s been a while. Sorry about that, but hey, the blog’s back! Now there are tons of new people; I don’t know any of them, and I’m not sure I like it.

Super Ashley

So there was this hilarious moment where we all heard the bulk candy scoop hit the floor and Ashley literally sprang into action. This is an artist’s depiction of the events that occurred that day.

Where’s Ben?

There he is! Still on the lookout for Ke$ha though…


I am so on top of things people. A cartoon during mid-terms? Oh that just happened, get excited. As for this, Mike has so many quotable moments but this had to be one of my favorites.


You just had to be there.

Dress code?

I know I haven’t been coming up with things lately but, well, things have been a bit stressful. So this will really only make sense to stockers, and maybe a couple pit stop cashiers. The gatorade bottles are always losing their labels. So they clearly aren’t following the dress code, they aren’t dressed. They’re nudists really.

Thursday Song

Fred and Paul: now you will never forget the lyrics, though not sure how you forgot them in the first place. Oh well, Paul you get your long hair. Enjoy